Sunday, December 28, 2008

I got to do it

i got to re-arrange my life style
from today onwards

went for check up this morning
doc said my heart pulse increasing
since last time i visited her
that's why i was there

getting gasped easily,
headache frequently
with all the symptoms showed
i got to really really take good care of myself

the first step is --
ban myself from coffee and tea now



dingying said...

ya shouldn't drink too much caffeinated stuff!
eat chocolate instead! :)

§kinny älien said...

i cant live without coffee and tea =(

Take care gal~!

chengsing said...

DY: don't eat too much chocolate as you are in a very SWEET stage now d!!~ :p

ASH: me too.. 3 days without coffee make me sleepy whole day.. :( but still need to ban it..

Yee Von said...

sounds like the symptoms of stress .. especially the difficulty breathing part .. i have the exact same problem and still have it sometimes ... and im still drinking coffee .. so .. yea .. we should stop it ..

chengsing said...

hmm? i don't know you drink coffee.. as you always stop me to do so last time.. haha.. but sometimes i still curi-curi minum.. :p

Yee Von said...

hehee ... i got "addicted" to it when i was working ... very bad indeed