Monday, July 7, 2008


huh...finally i m able to leave some messages here...
laptop hard disc spoiled & a new one cost me RM 185!! =.=

erm.... penguin is back from moo moo land... & so happy to have a pig gang dinner at CHICAGO Rib House...although lao kao suddenly got to outstation, elissa at shah alam, jason work so hard at pg..
but, i m REALLY VERY HAPPY & BLESSED to have those piggies with me... :D

for 11 years

2 weeks ago, my MD start to "train" me to meet customer from India
quite nervous, afraid make something wrong
but thank god i m still able to cope with it
& for the past 24 years, this is the first time
my first time to count US Dollar
USD 4400!!!!!
hahahaha.. 3 8
still very happy cz he gave me the chance to expose myself to the world outside
not only know cook pudding & prepare coffee in lab

baby start his training at kl for 2 weeks
take good care pls

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